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The World is the heart of Ecstatic. All Entities and Systems are added to the World instance, and its methods allow querying of Entities.

Create a World#

To create a World instance, all you need to do is "new" one up.

import { World } from '@brochington/ecstatic';
const world = new World();

Querying Entities#

A World instance offers a good amount of methods that can be used to find the Entities and Components that you want to operate on.

To see all the methods that can be used to query with, check out the World API Docs.

Query methods can generally be grouped in a couple buckets:

  1. get() - If you know the entities' id, you can get it directly with get().
  2. find(), findAll() - Use a predicate to "find" entities.
  3. locate(), locateAll() - "locate" an entity or entities by what Components are attached to it.
  4. grab(), grabAll(), grabBy() - Similar to locate methods, but also "grabs" a component instance as well. Very handy if you know that you'll need to update a specific component on an entity.

Destroying /Shutting down a World#

If you are going to get rid of a world instance, it can be a good idea to properly destroy all entities by calling their destroy() methods, and running the systems one last time. This gives any Systems that monitor the entity "destroying" state a chance to clean up after themselves.

let running = true;
let rafId = null;
function renderTick() {
if (running) {;
rafId.current = window.requestAnimationFrame(renderTick);
// Need to offer the chance for any systems to cleanup
// entities that are in a "destroying" state.
world.entities.forEach((entity) => entity.destroy());;