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Ecstatic provides a few utilities to aid in development.


For performance reasons, Estatic stores data internally a little...differently. This can make it challanging to get an entity's specific data. Because of this, the entity.toDevEntity() method exists.

entity.toDevEntity returns:

  • The entity's instance id.
  • All the components that are currently attached to the entity, given in a decently readable manor.
  • A list of all Systems that will be called on. Very helpful to verify that your entity will be called in a System.
  • Any tags that have been added to the entity.
const world = new World();
const entity = world.createEntity().add(new SomeComponent());
console.log(entity.toDevEntity()); // logs serialized "DevEntity".

DevEntity in API Docs

Sometimes you just want to see all the entities currently active in the world. To do this, simply inspect This returns an array of all current entities, each serialized into a DevEntity.

const world = new World();
const entity1 = world.createEntity();
const entity2 = world.createEntity();
const entity3 = world.createEntity();
console.log( // [DevEntity, DevEntity, DevEntity] is used to retreive a list of all systems, and the components that each system requires.

PRO-TIP: use with console.table: console.table(