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Components in Ecstatic can be anything that is a class, granting some HUGE flexibility.


It's helpful to think of Components as "balls of state". While methods may exist on a Component, be careful that they aren't doing too much. It's good to keep these methods isolated to updating and managing state that exists on the Component. Leave most logic to a System.

Extending Components can be really helpful in targeting the right Systems.

// Components
class AwesomeComp {}
class VeryAwesomeComp extends AwesomeComp {}
class SuperAwesomeComp extends AwesomeComp {}
// Systems
// Both Systems can have access to the same data, but can run at different times.
world.addSystem([VeryAwesomeComp], VeryAwesomeStuff);
world.addSystem([SuperAwesomeComp], SuperAwesomeStuff);